Charleston, South Carolina 1865 Battle Map with Area Fortifications/Armaments


Highly detailed map showing Charleston Harbor and its defenses to include shipwrecks, forts, and obstructions. The legend on the left side lists the defending forts and estimated armaments.

Created/Published: 1865

Dimensions (Width x Height): 25.7x23

Our printing is archive-quality.

Each map is printed using the finest materials and methods. Your map will be handled with white gloves from start to finish. We use the Giclee printing method on the finest paper, which produces a clear, extremely detailed, durable map that is perfect to be proudly displayed in your home or office. 

About our framing:

  • Non-glare acrylic to reduce reflection
  • Dry mount to ensure your map is smooth and without wrinkles
  • 1.5 inch, 4-ply white mat to accentuate your map 
  • Black, light walnut, and natural frame color options to match any room
  • Wire mounting
  • Please note that we cannot refund or return custom framed maps. We can replace a damaged frame. If your frame is damaged, please use the Contact Us or email

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